Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I just blew in...

...and boy, are my lips tired! Or something like that.

It is majorly windy out there at the moment. While Ken was sleeping, I went over to take care of Cousin Shane's cats, then went to the grocery store. The winds are howling! Yes, howling, I tell you! Unfortunately, it's recycling day in our area, so there are boxes and cartons and papers flying all over the place. They picked ours up this morning, so we didn't lose any boxes in the woods. Let's hope we don't lose any trees, either.

A couple of comments about the Hillary Clinton sniper fire bugaboo, then I'll let it go. Her comments weren't off the cuff or spontaneous, they were part of a scripted speech she gave last week. And while I'm sure that many of the memories of such trips would run together, and various people would remember things differently, it's unfortunate for her that this was all taped by the news agencies that were traveling with her. In this day and age of constant filming and picture-taking, not to mention voice and email records, it's foolish to think that you could ever get away with misleading comments (just ask the mayor of Detroit.) I'll put up the video of the NBC Nightly News that talks about it, because that's the national news that I watch, and it's where I first saw the video of this.


Anonymous said...

I think it's you ARMS that are supposed to be tired.  Ha!

Anonymous said...

<<I think it's you ARMS that are supposed to be tired.  Ha!>>

No, that's only if I had said "I just FLEW in" instead of "I just BLEW in." Thus, my lips are tired. LOL


Anonymous said...

It sure was a blustery day at Nutwood (had to use that phrase, one of my all time favorite characters is Eeyore, and whenever it is windy, it makes me smile on the inside as I think of 100 acre wood).  I know that as I was sleeping, I felt chilled today, most likely because we set the thermostat very low for daytime during the week since we are normally not here.  Looks like I may have some reprogramming to do after April 11th. :o)

Anonymous said...

I was watching the press on CNN today and I saw that Irish mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick. He looks like he may have tried to kiss the Blarney Stone a few times too many.


Anonymous said...

Jimmy...Ohhh yeahhhhh....


Anonymous said...

ok Q, I'm leavin' that one alone.  ;)

Anonymous said...

i had not heard of Hillary's speech until i read this entry. Why would she make that up? That was kind of dumb.
I wonder if they'll be finding this weeks recyclables for weeks to come near your  home?
HUGS, lisa