Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Just like me, just like you

NBC News reported tonight that Washington is re-examining its 15-year-old policy of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the military.
It's about freakin' time.
I understand that not everyone agrees with the gay lifestyle, and that's your choice. But it's time to face reality. Gays are everywhere, folks. They're your relatives, they're your neighbors, they're your bosses, and they're your coworkers. They are the people you chat up at the coffee shop, they are the people you meet on the street, they are the people walking their dog as you pass along the way, and they are the people who you encounter every day in every aspect of your lives.
And they are also the people who are serving their country as part of our military.
It's high time we realized that sexual orientation, skin color, or religious affiliation have absolutely nothing to do with competence, integrity, and bravery. We need to stop being so narrow-minded and get past our personal notions of what is right and what is wrong. I can't say it often enough: it is a big world out there, and we are all part of it. Shame on us for ever implementing such a ridiculous policy, and it's time to figure out once and for all that it's not a choice, it's a LIFE. Just like yours, just like mine. A life filled with love, laughter, and sometimes sadness, just like ours.
Instead of the discriminatory and restrictive don't-ask-don't-tell policy, perhaps a little education, understanding, and sensitivity training might be in order.


Anonymous said...

So, here is the deal, there is absolutely NO room for discrimination in any way, shape, or form.  We are all the same, we are human beings!  So, time to re-evaluate our policies to ensure that all are truly treated equal.  This is very consistent with my fiscal conservative, social liberal philosophy :o)

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more!!

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't have a problem with anyone who lives that lifestyle, unless I have to shower with them.


Anonymous said...


If you and your readers don't mind, I'm goping to come bck and leave another comment on this entrie when I've finisahed my other business, becasue what you have to say is very important.

Anonymous said...

I believe homophobia is a fear just like any other phobia.  But I'm not sure what it is a fear of, homosexuals or homosexuality.  If it's the first than it's just silly.  It means you are afraid of human beings for an absurd reason.  If, as I suspect, it's the second meaning then that translates into fear and uncertainty about your own sexuality.  "If I associate with THEM I might become one of THEM."  That is also absurd, unless you are gay and don't know it yet.

Although not gay myself, I was the artistic director of a gay theatre in New York for a few years.  I have never been homophobic, but working with those artists and with those scripts I learned a tremendous amount about the gay life, its joys, its fears, its sorrows, its hopes and the prejudice against it.  I respected those people and they respected me and I was never uncomfortable with htem.  And when I left that job I left with my sexuality intact.

I'm often asked, "Why are there so many gay people in show business?"  The answer is that there are gay people everywhere, as you point out in your excellent entry.  "But why are they so obvious?"  Everyone in show busness is obvious.  Of course there are gay people in the military, and they have every right to be there just as they do in any other profession.

I may be running out of space here, but it is important to reiterate that our attitudes must change and our education must improve.  I have to smile whever I see a stern, tight lipped middle age man in a boy scout suit say "There are no homosexuals in the Boy Scouts."  I was a boy scout. I know better.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for writing this.  If more people thought the way you do, this world would be a much better place.

Anonymous said...

I had to reply to this entry as you are right on every count.  My Aunt has been gay since I was born.  She was in a monogamous relationship and I grew up with her & her SO and all of their friends so to me this was just the way it was.  I spent weeks with them over the summers and we are still close. And contrary to the ignorance some spew forth, it didn't "make" me gay...I am married & straight.  As I got older I realized people would vandalize thier property simply because they were gay. The intolerance astounded me and still does and I have no time for it in my life.  My Aunt served in the Air Force and my hillbilly Uncle always claimed "it made her that way".  Until we change the mentality of people the unfounded bigotry and ridiculous fears will continue.  It's ironic those who are so against gays in military aren't willing to put their butts on the line.

Anonymous said...

I agree it was stupid then and it still is I just hope that they get strictor on the hate crimes because the stigma is still there ..

Anonymous said...

I think that we are a little (or perhaps a lot) more enlightened up here in regards to gays, lesbians and transgendered people and same sex relationships. Perhaps because our politicians are not bible thumping ultra conservatives who spew hatred and ignorance.